Enroll for the upcoming school year

Tuition Free. Transportation from Albany, Schenectady, Troy and more.

During the 2024-2025 school year all of our Brighter Choice schools will be in partnership with A’viands Foods to provide healthy and nutritious meals to scholars. A’viands partner with charters to create customized meal solutions that meet their individual needs. They will also work with our after school programs, to expand food access beyond the school day through supper services. The following highlights the quality of the food they will be providing to scholars. Remember free breakfast for all students! Why eat school breakfast? Better productivity (helps improve your focus on school work). Better health (stops hanger before it starts and gives you fuel to learn). Better mornings (one less thing to worry about before school and it is free)! Grab a breakfast everyday!


100% whole-grain rich, unbleached flour


USDA high-grade quality, never mechanically separated meat


Fresh, whole fruit


Local options by region

Child Nutrition Program at Brighter Choice

As part of our new meal procedures we must obtain documentation from physicians before preparing alternate meals. If your scholar has a food allergy, the attached documents must be completed and signed by your scholar’s physician. All documentation must be completed, signed by physician, and returned to the main office.

A’viands will not be preparing any meals containing pork or peanuts; however, we must still know if scholar has an allergy confirmed by a physician along with an action plan in case of accidental ingestion. The required forms will help our school nurse, and staff, prepare to best support your scholar’s health and well-being.

Again, if your scholar has a food allergy all documentation must be completed, signed by physician, and returned to the school nurse.

October Breakfast Menu: October Breakfast

October Lunch Menu: October Lunch



Brighter Choice Wellness Policy rev 2019-2020

The Health and Wellness Committee meet monthly. If you would like to attend the next meeting please contact Mr. L at 1-518-694-4200 x4201 for details.

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