Enroll for the upcoming school year
Tuition Free. Transportation from Albany, Cohoes, Schenectady, Troy and more.
(McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act)
Under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, students who lack nighttime residence that is fixed, regular, or adequate are identified as a homeless situation. The description of a fixed, regularly and adequate residence is detailed below:
FIXED – a residence that is stationary, permanent, and not subject to change.
REGULAR – a residence that is used on a predictable or routine basis.
ADEQUATE – a residence that is sufficient for meeting both the physical and psychological needs typically met in home environments.
Students experiencing homelessness are entitled to immediate enrollment and may be excluded from providing prior-school records, immunization and medical records, proof of residency, birth certificate and other documents normally required upon submission. A McKinney-Vento Model Enrollment Form-Residency Questionnaire must be completed for each child experiencing homelessness. Once homelessness is determined, the student qualifies for the following:
Transportation to and from school within a 50-mile radius.
Free meals served at school.
In addition to the benefits above, the Parent Coordinator is to do the following:
- Request prior school records.
- Monitor residency of family and conduct home visit, if necessary.
- Link students with health services, if needed.
- Inform parents/guardians about educational opportunities.
- Assist parents/guardians in resolving disputes.
- Assist parents/guardians in all matters deemed reasonable.
- Refer to the following sources for additional information regarding McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act:
NYS-TEACHS – phone 800-388-2014, e-mail info@advocatesforchildren.org, website www.nysteachs.org
NYS Education Department – phone 472-1236, website www.emsc.nysed.gov/nyc/homeless